City of Rockville Infill Design Guidelines

Client: City of Rockville Role: Consultation, Land Use Planning, Urban Design, Zoning Year: 2018-2020 Project Description: GSA was part of a multi-disciplinary team of architects, landscape architects, planners, and urban designers who worked with municipal staff and residents to establish design guidelines for new single-family homes within the East Rockville neighbourhood in Maryland. The design…

Leduc County IDPs and ICFs

Client: Leduc County Role: Policy Planning, Public Consultation, Negotiations, GIS Mapping Year: 2018-2019 Project Description: Leduc County is a vibrant rural municipality just south of Edmonton. Pigeon Lake, along the southern boundary of the county is a premier destination and summer tourism attraction. Along its shores are a number of independent ‘summer villages’ established to…

Beaumont UD Guidelines

Client: City of Beaumont Role: Urban Design, Architectural Illustrations, Zoning Year: 2018-2019 Project Description: GSA was part of a multi-disciplinary team responsible for developing urban design guidelines for the City of Beaumont. Beaumont Design Guidelines document will replace the City’s French Village Design Guidelines. The project establishes a clear set of expectations for new buildings…

Beaumont CARP

Client: City of Beaumont Role: Urban Design, Policy Planning, Land Use Planning, Year: 2018-2019 Project Description: GSA was part of a multidisciplinary team responsible for updating the Centre-Ville Area Redevelopment Plan (CARP). The CARP guides development and redevelopment in the Centre-Ville area, identifies four unique precincts, and includes a supporting policy framework to build on…

Alberta Avenue UDA

Client: City of Edmonton Role: Urban Design, Public Consultation, Design Illustrations, Policy Year: 2017-2018 Project Description: GSA was part of a multi-disciplinary team of consultants that prepared a comprehensive Urban Design Analysis (UDA) report for the Alberta Avenue neighbourhood. Our team served as the lead urban designer for this project. Key project tasks included the…

Royal Gardens UDA

Client: City of Edmonton Role: Urban Design, Public Consultation, Design Illustrations, Policy Year: 2017-2018 Project Description: GSA was part of a multi-disciplinary team of consultants that worked on the City of Edmonton’s Building Great Neighbourhoods (BGN) Neighbourhood Renewal project for the Royal Gardens neighbourhood. BGN replaces and upgrades the ageing infrastructure of Edmonton’s mature neighbourhoods.…

Westmount Architectural Heritage Area Zoning

Client: City of Edmonton Role: Urban Design, Architectural Illustrations, Zoning Year: 2017-2018 Project Description: GSA assisted the City of Edmonton’s Heritage Group in documenting the architectural character of various homes in the Westmount neighbourhood. The information was used to establish neighbourhood character principles and develop a Direct Control Zoning District for the Westmount Architectural Heritage…

Jasper Centre Plaza

Client: Naresh Dhatwalia Role: Rezoning Approval, Landscape Plan, Development Incentive, Grant Incentive Year: 2017-2018 Project Description: GSA led the rezoning application for this project to rezone the subject site from RF1 (Single Family Residential) to CB1 (Low-Intensity Business Development). The proposed zoning allows for the development of mixed-use commercial plaza with retail uses, a restaurant,…

Old Town Community Plan(ARP), Stony Plain

Client: Town of Stony Plain Role: Urban Design, Policy Planning, Public Consultation, Illustrations Year: 2017-2019 Project Description: GSA was retained by the Town of Stony Plain to develop their Old Town Community Plan (Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan). The project received unanimous approval by Council after having been supported through significant public engagement, advertising and stakeholder…