
Lac Ste. Anne County, Village of Alberta Beach, Summer Villages of Val Quentin, and Sunset Point

Lac Ste. Anne County, Alberta

Policy Planning
Intermunicipal Planning
Public Engagement

2015 – Present

Project Description
GSA worked as a planning sub-consultant to planningAlliance to complete the final revisions and approval process for the Intermunicipal Development Plan. GSA principal Dnyanesh Deshpande previously led this project while working at planningAllaince. The project scope included preparation of an IDP policy framework, developing a Cost and Resource Sharing Agreement, and creating an Area Structure Plan that will guide future growth, establish a regional vision and development pattern for Lac Ste. Anne County, Village of Alberta Beach, Summer Village of Val Quentin, and Sunset Point. The planning framework includes policies for land development, environmental management, recreation opportunities, transportation networks, servicing options, infrastructure and utilities, and scenarios for urban growth. The extensive public engagement and consultation process for this project included stakeholder focus group sessions, multi-stakeholder workshops, and open houses.