Anderson Road Query Rock Face Competition – Hong Kong Planning Department
Hong Kong
Urban Design
Conceptual Architecture
Site area
1.2 Sq.Km
Project Description
In 2012, GSA submitted a Park Master Plan to the Hong Kong Planning Department for the Anderson Road Query Rock Face Competition. The Anderson Road Quarry Rock Face in Hong Kong has been over extracted resulting in an unattractive landscape that poses environmental problems such as soil erosion and damage to natural ecosystems. Additionally, the surrounding community is challenged with connectivity issues to the Country Park located adjacent to the Anderson Road Quarry Rock Face yet remains disconnected from the surrounding community.
GSA’s design proposal aims to create an ecological landmark that reconnects the Country Park with the City. Eco-networks and natural elements are part of the overall design structure to mend the damaged landscape and provide eco-education opportunities through the user experiences. The Country Park and Anderson Road Quarry Rock Face are merged through an eco-network system that extends into Kowloon, in order to provide access to recreational and leisure activities. This allows the Quarry Park and Anderson Road Quarry Rock Face to be sustainable through social integration with nature and the built environment. Three main concepts proposed within the submission include connectivity of built and nature environments, creation of an eco-landmark and provisions for enabling easy access to natural environments from urban settings.