Client: City of Edmonton
Role: Urban Design, Public Consultation, Design Illustrations, Policy
Year: 2017-2018
Project Description: GSA was part of a multi-disciplinary team of consultants that worked on the City of Edmonton’s Building Great Neighbourhoods (BGN) Neighbourhood Renewal project for the Royal Gardens neighbourhood. BGN replaces and upgrades the ageing infrastructure of Edmonton’s mature neighbourhoods. GSA served as the lead urban designer and prepared a comprehensive Urban Design Analysis (UDA) report for the Royal Gardens neighbourhood.
Key project tasks included the design and delivery of extensive public consultation initiatives, analysis of various interrelated networks, identification of gaps, opportunities, and focus areas, preparation of an urban design framework, and development of concepts for implementation. Our approach to analysis put a strong emphasis on local issues including traffic, connectivity, lighting, safety, placemaking, and open spaces. Special emphasis was placed on empowering communities and incorporating their input into the preferred concepts.
The UDA concepts address gaps in the bike network, traffic calming issues and identify opportunities for placemaking and improvements to open spaces.